Sonja Jones

“Loving Island Life” Spring Ahead!
Spring is bursting out all over Bainbridge Island, and we at “Loving Island Life” are...

“Loving Island Life” Chilly Hilly Bike Race
Riders for the “Chilly Hilly” Bike Race head for Bainbridge Island Hard to believe we...

“Loving Island Life” Local Holiday Shopping
It’s getting down to crunch time for holiday shopping! We here at “Loving Island Life”...

“Loving Island Life” Holiday Music Truck 2014
The Holiday Music Truck is coming around again this month to neighborhoods near you to...

“Loving Island Life” Thanksgiving on Bainbridge Island
November is one of our favorite months here at “Loving Island Life.” The Island in...

“Loving Island Life” Bainbridge Island Farmers Market
“Loving Island Life” would like to remind you that the Farmer’s Market is still going...

“Loving Island Life” Frogs On The Rock Gala Auction
Give a frog a home! What? Labor Day has come and gone, and you might...

“Loving Island Life” Bainbridge Island Art Walk
We here at “Loving Island Life” always look forward to the first Friday of a...